24 March 2011

Create Wallpaper slideshow in Linux

Wallpaper slideshow is one of the interesting features in the GNOME Desktop. We can enjoy the turn of the desktop within a certain timeframe. By default, Ubuntu has wallpaper slideshow with titles cosmos. Try it.

Now I will teach you how to make wallpaper slideshow manually, although it could just use a wallpaper slideshow application, which unfortunately is not my concern.

Well, prepare a few images as wallpaper and place it in a folder, for example, I put it in the folder / home / alinuxnews / Pictures / slidepaper of contents:
- 1.png
- 2.svg
- 3.jpg
- 4.jpg
- 5.jpg
- Slidepaper.xml

Let's open the file slidepaper.xml or you can open gedit, click new and save with slidepaper.xml name in the folder.
Copas my own code and modification of files / usr/share/background/cosmos/background-1.xml


    <year> 2011 </ year>
    <month> 01 </ month>
    <day> 01 </ day>
    <hour> 00 </ hour>
    <minute> 00 </ minute>
    <second> 00 </ second>
  </ Starttime>
<! - This animation will from the start at midnight. ->
    <duration> 1795.0 </ duration>
    <file> / home/alinuxnews/Pictures/slidepaper/1.png </ file>
  </ Static>
    <duration> 5.0 </ duration>
    <from> / home/alinuxnews/Pictures/slidepaper/1.png </ from>
    <to> / home/alinuxnews/Pictures/slidepaper/2.svg </ to>
  </ Transition>
    <duration> 1795.0 </ duration>
    <file> / home/alinuxnews/Pictures/slidepaper/2.svg </ file>
  </ Static>
    <duration> 5.0 </ duration>
    <from> / home/alinuxnews/Pictures/slidepaper/2.svg </ from>
    <to> / home/alinuxnews/Pictures/slidepaper/3.jpg </ to>
  </ Transition>
    <duration> 1795.0 </ duration>
    <file> / home/alinuxnews/Pictures/slidepaper/3.jpg </ file>
  </ Static>
    <duration> 5.0 </ duration>
    <from> / home/alinuxnews/Pictures/slidepaper/3.jpg </ from>
    <to> / home/alinuxnews/Pictures/slidepaper/4.jpg </ to>
  </ Transition>
    <duration> 1795.0 </ duration>
    <file> / home/alinuxnews/Pictures/slidepaper/4.jpg </ file>
  </ Static>
    <duration> 5.0 </ duration>
    <from> / home/alinuxnews/Pictures/slidepaper/4.jpg </ from>
    <to> / home/alinuxnews/Pictures/slidepaper/5.jpg </ to>
  </ Transition>
    <duration> 1795.0 </ duration>
    <file> / home/alinuxnews/Pictures/slidepaper/5.jpg </ file>
  </ Static>
    <duration> 5.0 </ duration>
    <from> / home/alinuxnews/Pictures/slidepaper/5.jpg </ from>
    <to> / home/alinuxnews/Pictures/slidepaper/1.png </ to>
  </ Transition>
</ Background>

Then edit the file / home/alinuxnews/.gnome2/backgrounds.xml
If no, copy it from / usr / share / gnome-background-properties / backgrounds.xml

If at me for wearing my mint copy of linuxmint.xml 8 in the same folder.

Add the following lines before the last line:

<wallpaper deleted="false">
   <name> SlidePaper </ name>
   <filename> / home / alinuxnews / Pictures / slidepaper / slidepaper.xml </ filename>
   <options> zoom </ options>
   <shade_type> solid </ shade_type>
   <pcolor> # 000000000000 </ pcolor>
   <scolor> # 000000000000 </ scolor>
</ Wallpaper>

Well, now look at the Preferences tab Appeareance Backgrounds (Right click on desktop> Change Desktop Background). Click to activate

23 March 2011

Free in linux Means Freedom

Have you ever heard a statement saying that Linux is free? I'm sure, all computer users, better yet, is being, will be or have been using Linux must have heard this kind of statement.
Is it true that Linux is free??? The answer is NO. It's not about Free. it's FREEDOM

Linux is free, that words is a statements that we often hear. Free if interpreted into another language turns out to have two meanings, which is freedom and free. Freedom and free distinctly different meaning. In fact, Richard Stallman - founder of the Free Software Foundation (FSF), in his book Free as in FREEDOM - Linux is more linked with the word freedom or independent, rather than free. The term free is more widely used to introduce Linux rather than the word freedom or independent. Because in fact it is easier to offer something for free rather than getting someone to fight to break away from the comfort of an already binding and membelenggunya for decades.

19 March 2011

Why many people are reluctant to use Linux?

Why many people are reluctant to use Linux? There are so many causes and reason like Linux is hard, too much text-based commands, the GUI display of his less attractive, and many other reasons that sometimes do not make sense.
Believe me, if you already know Linux, there would be infatuated with Linux. In addition to free, Linux has a lot of hidden potential that we can explore further. If not, why Google behind Stand up for running Linux in its Android product.

Well, make that are still hesitant and not sure what the hell is Linux capabilities is a safe way to try it, namely with the Linux Live CD distro. Distro Live CD does not need to be installed on the computer. Simply insert the CD that contains these distributions on a CD ROM drive, then restart the computer. Thus you do not have to worry if other operating systems that already exist on the computer will be lost.

You are interested to try it out? There are some decent distro you are trying, among other things:

  •      Ubuntu
  •      Knoppix
  •      OpenSuSE
  •      Fedora
  •      Dreamlinux

Just try some of distro Live CD and you will interested :)

13 March 2011

QEMU - advanced cross-platform virtual machine emulator

QEMU virtual machine emulator is an advanced cross-platform. I say this because if you've installed QEMU on your system, you will not find anything other than a simple command line interface that can be run locally or remotely. In other words, you can build your own graphical interface to run QEMU. You can use a shell script, a GTK-based interface is complex or Qt, or if you prefer, you can build your own web-based interface using PHP, Python, Ruby or Perl. I mean it really is yours.

Another thing why choose QEMU is a factor dependencies. If you Slackware users, then you do not need anything else to install QEMU on your system. Just download the tarball it, compile, install and you're ready. Just remember one thing in building QEMU, you should run your Slackware init 1 or init 3 (text mode / non-graphic mode) for compiling QEMU is a process that is in desperate need of resources. In my system when I build QEMU on init 4 (graphics mode), the development process always stop after a few minutes because the compiler runs out of memory.
Before you proceed, I suggest you to enable virtualization support on the CPU through the BIOS. Then do not forget to load the KVM module and the AIO in the kernel

09 March 2011

Enable SSH server in Linux Mint

Because it functioned as a desktop, LinuxMint by default does not enable SSH server. I want to activate it because it often uses SSH for the connection and data transfer via scp command.

Here is how to enable OpenSSH server on LinuxMint:

  1.     Open the main menu, select the Software Manager
  2.     Openssh Type in the search box
  3.     Click on the package openssh-server, then select install.
  4.     Finish install, enable ssh with the command: / etc / init.d / ssh start

Because LinuxMint based on Ubuntu, OpenSSH server installation command can also be done via the console / terminal with the command:

apt-get install openssh-server

For access security, such as changing the default SSH port from port 22 to another port can be done by making changes to the configuration file contained in the file / etc / ssh / sshd_config.

After making changes, do not forget to restart the OpenSSH Server service:

/etc/init.d/ssh restart

01 March 2011

Blender in Linux

At first glance the above title was a little ridiculous. Reminiscent of the one kitchen appliance that we often use to crush the fruit or vegetable. Blender is not it. But Blender is just a free software that can produce 3D animation and games. Although the free ability not inferior to other 3D software that if we want to use it to outside money. To compare the quality of friends can view the site http://www.sintel.org.

Look at history, in 1988 before this software become free. Blender is used by companies NeoGeo console game developers in the Netherlands. Because no success at that time and eventually went bankrupt. The software has never been touched and developed again. Seeing the potential of animation software Blender as a future promising. Producer, Ton Roosendaal Blender does not want to just disappear swallowed by time. Then he founded the nonprofit organization Blender Foundation. And continue to promote Blender as open source projects and developed until today. On its Web site stated that, Blender will remain free forever. For more details can be accessed at http://blender.org.

Some products are made using Blender animations such as The Elephant Dream, Big Buck Bunny, Sintel (from Blender Foundation) from Indonesia, while there Hebring (mainMotionStudio), Open Interest (OSS Surabaya), Gwen Silent (OSS Yogyakarta). Blender to be one solution to building creative industries in a legal and affordable. Since Blender is OpenSource software that anyone can use and modify without limits under the provisions of the General Public License. Very suitable for use in developing countries that economic growth is still sloping with high piracy rates.