15 August 2009

How to Install Virtual Box on Linux (Fedora)

This is how to get VirtualBox up and running on Linux Fedora 10.  Also, this tutorial is for the 32-Bit version of VirtualBox, so you’ll have to customize a little more to get the 64-bit version running. Everything in the “code” sections should be copy/pasted/typed into the terminal.
Right, let’s get to it:

PreStep.) Open the terminal and get into super user mode:

    su -

1.) Get the latest VirtualBox package (as of now, 2.0.6) from the VirtualBox website for Fedora 9 and install it (generally, after a few months, the Fedora 10 link will be available).

    wget http://download.virtualbox.org/virtualbox/2.0.6/VirtualBox-2.0.6_39765_fedora9-1.i386.rpm && rpm -ivh VirtualBox-2.0.6_39765_fedora9-1.i386.rpm

2.) Get the kernel-devel package:

    yum install make automake autoconf gcc kernel-devel dkms

3.) Run the setup file for VirtualBox:

    /etc/init.d/vboxdrv setup

4.) Add yourself to the “vboxusers” group and fix the SELinux Permissions:

    usermod -G vboxusers -a username
    chcon -t textrel_shlib_t /usr/lib/virtualbox/VirtualBox.so

5.) Run, and enjoy!


6.) To Get USB Support:

    1 – create a new group called “usb”;
    2 – locate file usbfs: in my case is /sys/bus/usb/drivers (I suggest to find the file with a usb device inserted;
    3 – modify file /etc/fstab inserting a line containing the right path and the number corresponding the “usb” group :
    none /sys/bus/usb/drivers usbfs devgid=503,devmode=664 0 0
    4 – command mount -a;
    5 – start VB and try…;

Source: Fedora Forums
7.) To Properly Backup the VirtualBox Machine (.vdi):
Please refer to my other page here:
How To: Properly Backup a VirtualBox Machine (.VDI)
8.) To Get Sound Working:
Highlight your virtual machine and click on the “Settings” button. Click on the “Sound” category, and then check the “Enable Sound” option. In the drop-down box, select “PulseAudio”. You should now have sound.
That’s it!